Tips for Creating a Company Logo Design

Tips for Creating a Company Logo Design

How to make a catchy logo design with a slogan or tagline? A logo is intended to be a component of the company’s identity, whether you choose an online or physical business. It is extremely important in raising brand awareness. Verve Branding provides logo design services all around the world and is here today to provide you with some life-saving advice to follow while developing a logo for your business.

All of the major brands’ logos are appropriately positioned in the website’s left-hand corner, including Amazon, Facebook, and Netflix. We can tell the company’s name only by taking a peek at the logo.

Check out the insight behind the Facebook logo: Revealing the Secret Behind the ‘Blue Colour Scheme’ of the Facebook Logo 

Since the logo is such an important part of the business, it must be nice and presentable to attract the attention of the public. It is, after all, your brand recognition, and it cannot be taken lightly. It must leave a lasting impact on visitors to improve brand awareness. Such is the significance of a website logo.

The Logo’s Size

The size of the logo is the most important factor to consider while creating it. It should be neither too small nor too large. A tiny logo is difficult to see, and visitors may struggle to recognize your brand’s identity at first glance, resulting in a negative user experience.

On the other hand, a large logo design appears unusual since it occupies a large portion of the webpage, leaving the synchronization puzzled. Moreover, in front of the logo, all other parts of the website appear to be gone.

Also Read: What is the best logo size? For print, social media & websites

Logo design

Word repetition

The terms in your company’s logo should not be repeated, as this concerns the size of the logo indirectly. Try to prevent redundancy and stick to a consistent logo size that matches your website slider perfectly.


Remember that the logo has to be one-of-a-kind. Attempting to duplicate another company’s logo design might result in significant legal consequences. To minimize copying, another vital step is to register your company’s logo.

logo design


When selecting a logo design for your company, make sure you don’t overlook any aspects, particularly the picture file. The improper size may cause the logo to become blurry, which might result in a major blunder.

You may prevent this situation by having your logo designed in PNG format rather than JPEG format. So when the size of the logo is reduced in JPEG format, it might become blurry.

Must Read: How to make a catchy logo design with a slogan or tagline?

cafe logo design


This is similar to the website’s response. Due to the wide range of screen sizes, you must ensure that your logo design is consistent across all platforms, including computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.

It should not extend or compress as screen sizes change. If this occurs, it will have a detrimental influence on your logo brand identity.

Must Read: 10 Logo Design Mistakes & How to Avoid Them


Your logo’s placement must be flawless. In no way should it break off or miss the point on your landing page. Ensure that your brand is prominently displayed so that no visitor misses it. Why is location so critical?

Without a logo, your viewers will be unable to identify you or reach your landing page. Additionally, make certain that none of the characters falls out of the frame. The logo must be simple to read.

Color Contrast

The color of the logo and its backdrop should be insufficient contrast to allow the logo to be seen clearly. Finally, our major goal is to draw attention to logo design tips and increase brand recognition.

So, when developing a logo, make sure that the logo color is distinct from the color of the backdrop and does not blend in with it.

Check out more about How Color Make us Feel – A Report on Color and Emotions

Colour Contrast


The logo should be appealing enough to draw the attention of visitors right away. If it fails to attract the attention of the audience, you must believe that you have already lost the war without having fought for it.

The logo design should be eye-catching, with legible typefaces that visitors can readily read while imagining your company’s logo.

Do you want to know more about How to Design a Logo that Works Everywhere? Get Answer

logo design company

Ask for some expert opinion

There are many new brands that come to understand that designing a logo blindly doesn’t spare you. It is an important tip to create a company logo design. Branding plays a vital role in the organization. The designer needs to take care of different aspects like color, brand, font style, and much more. If you cant commend the important practices on time. What the company wants to show should be clearly depicted by the logo design.

The right branding practice allows you;

  • To achieve your goals on a time constraints.
  • the logo design should be easily communicable with the audience.
  • It should be to the point and reflects what is the purpose.

You can understand more about branding with the logo design.

Like BBC, Facebook, Nike, etc.

To conclude

After reading the whole article, you’ll be able to create a logo for your company like an expert. You can now simply represent the dos and don’ts in your company’s logo.

Contact Verve branding a professional logo design company to get the greatest and most professional logo design services you’ve ever experienced. We have qualified and experienced logo designers on staff that will develop the logo like a pro.

VerveBranding can be your one-stop solution for branding and designing because we have market experience and a team of experts who, over the years, have worked on many major and minor projects for all types of industries. We provide designing and branding services at the most affordable price. For services related to mobile app development or web development and online marketing services, check out our subsidiaries, VerveLogic and VerveOnlineMarketing.

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